Exactly one year ago I took the plunge in chasing my own personal aspirations of owning and building my (and my Co-Founder, Mike Barbot) brand, J2FIT. Most of you may have not known that up until a year ago, I have been working full time (as a trainer), training full time (my personal fitness), and building a brand, J2FIT. I struggled to find the time to do the little things that were necessary for my personal and business (J2FIT) growth, and I was stuck in a rut of doing a great deal of random things, all towards uncommon goals. Enough was enough, and it came to a point when I had to either make the jump or stand on the side and watch as a world of greater potentials passed me by.
Much like any obstacle in fitness, nutrition, and life, my decision to resign from my cushy corporate training gig was one that wreaked havoc on my innards. My stomach turned with anxiousness as the fear of the future was out there, the fear of failure, and the fear of making the wrong decision at the wrong time. It’s a weird feeling to wake up every morning only answering to yourself, your standards, and knowing that it’s all on your own ass. If you don’t do it, nobody will.
Taking action and forming your plan of attack to bring about positive change is one that takes a great deal of time, mental involvement, and most of all, consistent dedication to yourself.
I have found that through quitting my past job, taking a substantial pay decrease (for the time being…), and diving into the unknown, I have also gotten in tune with my thoughts, actions, and my instincts for success.
When you embark on a new journey without knowing exactly the specific destination and path, it is extremely scary. Feelings of doubt, loneliness, and a feeling of “I’m not good” enough will one day find their way in. I would be lying if I didn’t have those thoughts every now and again. I have learned (and am still learning) that simplicity will set you free. Go back to the behaviors that brought you initial success. Get back in touch with the mentalities, self talk, and perspectives that helped you in the past.
For me, I have always loved working out, kicking my own ass, and watching others reach new heights and defy mental limits. I have always loved to push the envelope of what is “normal”, being known as that “crazy fitness guy”, and love sharing my personal stories and experiences with those willing to lend an ear. Not because I love to talk about myself, but because I feel I have something to offer those looking to become better. So I very simply started writing, training, podcasting, recording my workouts, going to fitness socials, competing in local competitions, and striking conversations with anyone and everyone. Get back to your roots. If you hate running, sprint. If you hate lifting weights, then find someone who is ravenous for the blood, sweat, and iron. Not saying your life will be full of only the things you love, rather find a way to twist the things you hate into a positive.
In turn, I found an aspect of fitness I cared deeper about than others. I had time again to fall in love with the barbell, to devote countless hours scouring scholarly journals, watching youtube videos, and reading old Russian Olympic Weightlifting transcribed training manuals. I had the opportunity to spend more time with my Co-Founder Mike Barbot to search deeper into what and where our brand was going to become.
By getting back to your roots you allow yourself to rediscover who you are and what truly excites you, and do that with the ones you enjoy the most.
Cut the shit out of your life and break the shackles of your lackluster success. The day I stopped wading the the bullshit of social and corporate politics, the selfish needs of others, and the unnecessary extra steps to get things done, I started becoming super efficient with all that I set out to do. My training has been taking off. I started simplifying my programming (well, as simple as a mad scientist can get), started simplifying my diet (mastering the basics of sports nutrition), and I STOPPED trying to be everything to everyone.
““If you try to be everything to everyone, you will end up being nothing to no one.””
Learning a ton of shit but not knowing how to masterfully apply it to your life and those you you will lead is like having the best training gear (oly shoes, belts, compression tights, supplements, money to “buy” a trainer, etc) and thinking that will replace hard work, consistency, clean eating, and a shark-like mentality.
When you can simplify your actions and determine how they fit within the larger objective, you can begin to hone in on what specific aspects of your daily routine will help you become a better person, coach, and entrepreneur.
I am an extremely driven, psychotic, determined, and anxious person. I know that. The hardest thing sometimes is taking time out of YOUR day to do what you want to do. When I was working my other job (prior to J2FIT), all I wanted to do was train my beloved clients, and leave. I wanted to have time to train 2 hours a day, blog, do events, teach classes, and then train again.
I love competing, I love training, lifting heavy, and being social. I love it all. When I stopped being so caught up with other peoples agendas on how I SHOULD spend my time, I got in touch with what paths I can take to get closer to my destination.
Napping is one of my new guilty pleasures. When I am sluggish, have mental doubts, and anything else that slows me down, I take some time to drift off and dream about killing a clean and jerk PR, or finding my way to the podium again. Waking up recharged and refocused on my wants and needs makes me a better role model and leader for others. Sit down and take time for yourself. It’s so cliche, but do it.
Take Control of Your Life
At the end of the day, by taking time for yourself, you are able to refocus and energize yourself for what lies ahead. It is easy to get caught up trying to do everything as a business owner and entrepreneur, however inactivity is your biggest enemy. By taking the time to recharge your body and mind, refocus your sights on what you truly want and need to accomplish, and understand the fundamental driving forces behind you, you will find success.